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Our Team

Pastor:  Fr. Livinus Anweting                                        641-322-3363            

Secretary/Bookkeeper: Jane Rychnovsky                    641-344-9558  

Director, Religious Education:  Tamara Haley              641-418-0122

Liturgy Chair:  Jamie Hogan                                         712-621-0523

Worship and Music Ministry:  Nancy Amdor and          641-344-0864

                                               Carol Miller                   712-621-4152

Parish Trustees

Jamie Hogan                                             

Marjorie Reynolds


Parish Council

Chairman:  Stephen Gruba                                            712-621-0105

Vice Chairman:  Nancy Amdor                                       641-344-0864


Kris Richey, Mark Reichenauer, Marg Reynolds, Doug Allison, Nicki Cooney, Dawn Griggs


Finance Council

Chairman:  Travis Paul                                                  712-621-0914


Wayne Rychnovsky, Travis Paul, Barbara Fuller, Rosie Bissell, Ed Schweers, Danny Stamps


Thrift Shop

Marcella Gearheart                                                      641-322-3885

Linda Schafroth                                                            641-322-4367


Knights of Columbus

Grand Knight:  Jim Maeder   


Altar Society: Contact the parish office.







      Calvary Cemetery 

Information on Calvary Cemetery can be obtained by contacting the parish office, or by calling  Cemetery Chairman John Green at 641-322-3586.



Secretary Office Time
The secretary office hours are Tuesday from  8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. You are welcome to call any time and leave a message.

St. Patrick Catholic Church

504 Grove Ave. Corning, IA  50841      Phone & Fax 641-322-3363

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